Saturday, December 20, 2014

The Voice in Mathematics

Today is the birthday of Oronce Fine born 1494 in Briancon, France. Fine published major works in mathematics and astronomy.

Today's quote is by Raoul Bott who said "There are two ways to do great mathematics. The first is to be smarter than everyone else. The second way is to be stupider than than everybody else - but persistent."

I am of the belief that mathematics and written language are more similar than different. Each has its structure and its form of creativity. I have touted this belief to my English teaching colleagues using author, John Greene, and his views on the education continuum as a supportive example. I often hear from some of these colleagues that they do not possess the "math gene". I am not a believer in a math gene. I am not any more a genetic math mutant than I am a lobster fisherman. Keith Devlin states in the prologue of his book, The Math Gene, How Mathematical Thinking Evolved and Why Numbers Are Like Gossip, "One of my aims in this book is to convince you of just how remarkable and powerful - and uniquely human - language and mathematics are. Let me once again quote Neil Armstrong. When the lunar module broke free from the command ship that would remain in orbit above the moon during the course of the moon walk, Armstrong declared that "The Eagle has wings." The acquisition of language and mathematics gave humanity the wings to soar above our fellow creatures. My other aim is to argue that these two faculties are not separate: both are made possible by the same feature of the human brain."

My first educational love was books. Each day as a youth I visited the library and each day my imagination soared with the descriptive voice of the author. I was transported from my sleepy hometown to bustling cities and exotic locales snuggled in a world that were filled with intrigue and adventure that I was sure did not exist in my community and most definitely, in my life. During my high school years, I took classes that were titled Short Stories and Novels which were taught by Bill Nems and with his facilitation, my perception of what I read deepened.

As my formal education continued, I gained a mistress. Her name was Mathematics, the queen of sciences. She offered me structure, organization, predictability, and the allure of a right answer. She eventually introduced me to my drug of choice, solving complex mathematics problems. I had my first initial rush from this drug in my 8th grade algebra class. I do not recall the problem but I do remember solving it in my sleep. This was my first dream in which I awoke with the solution in hand. I was ecstatic. The thrill was overwhelming and I have been addicted ever since. I have continued to solve math problems in varied states of consciousness.

Language is not complete without the written word. I started to appreciate writing as I was completing my master's degree. Within the composition of papers that detailed the educational practices of teaching mathematics and examinations of mathematical curriculum, I discovered my voice. I could be insightful and humorous, sarcastic and tactful, gregarious and prudent. I became a logophile, a lover of words. Writing has offered me creativity in structure and the tantalizing mystism of solving the problem of organizing my thoughts and voicing my passion.

As I stated earlier, I constantly discuss with the English teachers in my school, the parallels that exist in mathematics and English. Recently, an English teacher stopped me in the hallway, approached me resolutely, and stated "Where is the voice in mathematics?" I was delivered a knock out punch. I stood speechless and wandered away muttering to myself, "Where is the voice of in mathematics?"

My first question to address is what is meant by voice in writing. I found two sites that offered descriptions of an author's voice. Understanding Voice and Tone in Writing by Julie Wildhaber and Voice in Writing: Developing a Unique Writing Voice by Cris Freese. Freese states "A writer's voice is something uniquely their own. It makes their work pop, plus readers recognize the familiarity." Wildhaber defines voice as "the distinct personality, style, or point of view of a piece of writing or any other creative work." She elaborates, "Many musicians have played the 'Star-Spangle Banner,' for instance, but there's a world of difference between the Boston Pop's performance and Jimi Hendrix's, even though the basic melody is the same."

I asked my English colleagues their opinions of voice.

Beth Gadola: "In writing, voice can be expressed when a writer puts him or herself 'into' the words, providing a sense that a real person is speaking and cares about the message. When a writer is personally engaged with the topic, he/she imparts a personality to the piece that unmistakably his/hers alone. And it is that individual personality - different from the personalities of all others - that we call voice. Voice is the distinct personality of a piece of writing."

Stan Berg: "For me, it's a sense of authenticity, the idea that a real person is letting his/her real self come through in the writing so that it doesn't sound like a canned response that could have been written by anyone."

Lyndsy Schwantes: "I would say that a writer's voice is what makes the writing stand out to me. It's not only their word choice, but the way their words work together to tell a story and create characters the reader can connect with. When I read a story by an author I consider to have a good "voice" I don't think about the words or why their choosing their words, but I become lost in the story."

Maria Burnham: "Voice, simply put, is the thing that breathes life into writing. It's the formula of writing that tells my brain's inner voice how to read something. Is the writing factual and simply stated? There is voice in that style of writing. Is the writing full of vivid description and flowery language? There's voice in that style as well. Is the writing full of questions followed by answers? You've got it, there's voice in that, too.

For what it's worth, the reason I majored in English in college was that I fell in love with voice in writing. I loved that the choice in words and the way in which they were arranged changed how the writing sounded. In writing there's cadence, emotion, meaning, all because of an author's choice.

I find myself gravitating toward specific kinds of voices, particularly those of poets and essayists like Whitman and Thoreau. But I also love humor, sappy love, and even the simplicity of technical writing.

Letters and words in isolation have meaning but little depth unless put together by an artist, a wordsmith, a writer."

A common thread winds through these definitions. Voice, like beauty, is in the eye of the reader. Even a boring voice in one's mind may conjure up an image of Ben Stein lecturing in Ferris Bueller's Day Off . A voice that paints images, resonates emotion, and is layered with complexity may only be appreciated by a few experienced readers. I watched a rich and vivid dance performance recently. A strong female voice emanated from that performance but I knew that my perception only heard whispers of her messages.

Mathematics has beauty. "Mathematics, rightly viewed, possesses not only truth, but supreme beauty - a beauty cold and austere, like that of sculpture, without appeal to any part of our weaker nature, without the gorgeous trappings of painting or music, yet sublimely pure, and capable of a stern perfection such as only the greatest art can show." Bertrand Russell,  The Study of Mathematics

A February 2014 article by James Gallagher in the BBC News entitled Mathematics: Why the brain sees maths as beauty, discusses the brain activity of emotion that is triggered equally by a beautiful equation, a great painting, or a classical piece of music. The equation that is believed to be the most beautiful is e^(iπ) + 1 = 0. This equation is referred to as Euler's Identity. The proof of the identity resonates in me wonderment and awe.

Does beauty in a medium indicate a voice? I don't necessarily think so. A rose can be appreciated for its beauty but it remains silent.

I was at a loss in describing a voice in mathematics until a recent Math League practice. I sat and listened to my students work on various problems. I believe these three problems spoke to my students.

I was asked my students where to start on this problem and told them to rationalize the denominator. As one student proceeded, she paused, "Oh, cool! This is a cute problem!"


As we worked on this problem, several students remarked how this was a "sneaky" problem. When I asked them to define "sneaky", they described problems that first appear to relatively direct to approach but as those problems are solved, they entail twists, turns, and surprises that require persistence and flexibility by the solver.

In this problem, the graph is defined as the second derivative and students were asked to draw the first derivative and the original function from which the second and first derivative were formed. Students described this problem as a simply stated but multilayered in its complexity. I compare their description of this problem to a single stanza poem. A poem that offers new insight to a reality that surrounds us each time it is read.

As I contemplate what specific mathematical ideas speak to me, I have a few the quickly come to mind.

The proof that the square root of 2 is an irrational number has always evoked a voice of sarcasm. I can hear my son, Sam saying,"So you don't believe it to be true? Let's assume its not and see where that leads us!"

The Pythagorean Theorem speaks to me in a voice of security, loyalty, and strength. The Pythagorean Theorem is in algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and construction. When I am stuck on a problem, I can hear John Wayne lean in and say "Hey, little pilgrim have you tried the Pythagorean Theorem?"

I can hear the imaginary i screaming at mathematicians, "You thought that negative numbers were imaginary and you found application. You define me as the square root of a negative one and call me imaginary, yet you found application for me! What is it with you guys?!"

Finally, the controversial number 0, the number that apparently does nothing in addition but is the mighty destroyer in multiplication. The number that can be divided but is not allowed to the dividing. The number that was considered the null and void and repulsed by religions but without it we would not have calculus. The number that says, "Go ahead, make my day."

The voice in mathematics exists but it is different than the voice in writing, the voice in music, the voice in dance, and the voice in art. Mathematics is creative. Its voice may be more restrained and its voice may take more work to hear but the voice exists, nonetheless.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Deja Vu All Over Again

Today is the birthday of Franz Aepinus born in Rostock, Germany, 1724. Aepinus made contributions in the area of electricity and magnetism.

Today's quote is by Niccolo Tartaglia. This quote is a poem written to Jerome Cardan. In this poem, Tartaglia reveals to Cardan the secret to solving a cubic equation.

"When the cube and the things together
Are equal to some discrete number,
Find two other numbers differing by this one,
Then you will keep this as a habit,
That their product will always be equal,
Exactly to the cube of a third of the things.
The remainder then as a general rule
Of their cube roots subtracted
Will be equal to your principal thing."

In my calculus classes, I talk about my dog, Rosie, and she has become quite a celebrity. Last year and again this year, I showed them a graph that I entitled My Walk With Rosie. I assigned them the task of detailing the calculus concepts that are embedded in the graph. I have listed those responses. The responses are both mathematical and creative. One student included cartoons of Rosie and myself.

Rosie patiently waiting for a walk.

Rosie spending some quality time with my son.

The graph of My Walk With Rosie.

1) The limit of f(t) as t approaches 45 from the right is 150.

2) At 45 minutes there is a relative maxima (vertex), where the derivative is zero. This represents the point at which you turned around to return home because for a moment you were not moving away from or toward you house.

3) There are x-intercepts at (0, 0) and (60, 0). These points represent times when you were at your house. Because there are only two points, we can infer that you left at (0, 0) and returned at (60, 0) and did not go to your house at anytime between those two points.

4) There are two points on this graph (30, 50) and (45, 150). We can find a secant line with those two points. The slope of this secant line is 20/3 or 6 2/3 feet per minute. Because his rate (slope) is positive we can tell that you’re moving away from your house.

5) After coming home from a grueling day of teaching, Kruger came home and decided to take his dog, Rosie, on a walk. Starting at the end of his driveway, he started walking at an average rate of 3 1/3 feet per minute* for a duration of 15 minutes. This took him a total of 50 feet. Being too tired to continue, he had to stop and sit down on the curb. They sat on the curb for 15 minutes when Rosie got up and started chasing a passing car. Alarmed, Kruger got up and pursued his runaway dog at the slow average rate of 6 2/3 feet per minute*. Even though this was double his previous pace you would think that if he was concerned about Rosie, he would pick up the pace. He grew discouraged after 100 feet and 15 minutes and turned around to go home to call the police and report Rosie missing. On the return trip of 150 feet he averaged a speed of 10 feet per minute* and arrived home after 15 minutes. When he got to his front door he found Rosie there waiting for him.

* Secant lines can be used to find his average speeds at different intervals of his walk. The part of the graph with a slope of zero means he is not walking.

6) I can tell you took a break from 15 minutes to 30 minutes because you stayed at 50 feet the whole time. The slope is zero because the tangent line is a horizontal.

7) I can tell your started off slow and once you got closer to 15 minutes you moved faster. The slope of the tangent line is steeper towards the end.

8) 150 feet is the furthest you walked. This shown at the top of the parabola.

9) It took you 45 minutes to walk Rosie the first half of your walk and 15 minutes to walk her back. The graph is increasing the it starts decreasing that's how I can tell.

10) It was a find day outside an on October 12, 2014. The sun was out and the chill of autumn was in the air. Being that math nerd that he was, Mr. Kruger decided to make a very well drawn graph of his little adventure. With his handy dandy calculator in hand and his sidekick Rosie by his side, Kruger began his adventure.

Mr. Kruger started off his walk at a good pace. After 15 minutes, he had already gone 50 feet! This fast pace was due to the fact that Rosie saw a squirrel ahead and she would stop at nothing to chase it. Well, Rosie did stop for the squirrel ran up an oak tree to seek refuge.

Rosie's sudden outburst almost caused Mr. Kruger to drop his calculator right down the storm drain near by. Thankfully, Rosie was jumping after the squirrel at the same time the calculator air born and their trajectories collided and the calculator deflected off of Rosie's side. The calculator then soared back into Mr. Kruger's waiting hands.
Mr. Kruger wept at the sight of the mathematical miracle that had happened here. He tried to go on with his walk but the heat from his tears had caused the poor man's glasses to fog to the point where he couldn't see. While waiting for his glasses to defog, he decided to figure out the equation for the first 15 minutes of his walk. After fiddling with this calculator for 12 minutes, he did some math like this: Start point (0, 0), End point (15, 50), m (slope) = (50 - 0)/(15 - 0) = 50/15 = 10/3, 50 = 10/3(15) + b, 50 = 50 which means the secant line of line for the first 15 minutes of his journey was: y = 10/3x. 

Kruger was about to continue on his walk when he realized he had just wasted 15 minutes standing still, finding no challenge in determining an equation to the next section of his walk. The equation was y = 50. For those 15 minutes he was nothing but a sad constant.

Mr. K quickly got over the fact that he was a constant and continued on his merry way. After another 15 minutes, Kruger stopped to pick up a coin on the ground - after all it was heads up - and stuck the coin in his pocket. Little did he know that this move would alter the equation of his walk for the day.

Mr. Kruger, being the math genius he is, quickly figured out the equation to this piece of his walk was y = -2/9(x - 45)+ 150.

Kruger then started to increase his speed. After all, he had been walking Rosie for 45 minutes now. Mr. Kruger pushed with all his might to go another 15 minutes. He was out of breath and huffing and puffing and wheezing and squeezing and Rosie may have had to drag hime a bit but he made it a whole hour.

Mr. Kruger sat in his kitchen wondering what else he could conclude from his walk. He noticed his graph was continuous. Since time never stops, there was no holes or asymptotes. Mr. Kruger then decided to dig a little deeper and find the derivative portions of his graph.